I take my stand today and
Some will not agree
But I have grown weary over the weeks
I will push myself No More you see
Have to learn, have never known
How to just say No
Afraid to hurt someone else
But what about Me, I am exhausted so
The Marathon runner even knows
How to pace themselves
But all my life I've done for others
Putting myself on a shelf
Well now it's time for me to fly
To the land I never got to know
Where I can be the Child I never was
Just Peter, Tink, and Me and so
If Never Never Land really doesn't exist
I will make one of my own
With Pegasus as my pilot
We will soar to lands, no one has ever known
Unicorns, Elf’s and Fairies and Me
Will frolic and just play all day
They will run and hide laughing
Knowing I will find them someway
You say I am being silly
Maybe even childish in my thoughts
Then so be it, and I'm glad you can think
I've been to tired to think lately, so maybe I just shouldn't ought
Rest will come when you die some say
Well I don't want it to be now
So I will rest in my own small world
Inside me, everyday somehow
Now those of you who must be adults
Or are supposed to be so
Just don't you worry about me in my far off Land
I'm in Castles, playing with Mystical things you know
What joy it will be, when I can really feel
Them in my Land so far away from here
Pegasus, Elfs, Fairies, and Pixies too
You will wish to also be there
Maybe if you want, when you’re tired too
Maybe I will let you in, take you by the hand
Maybe someday I will let you know
About my
Far Away Land....
©Dana E. Price